First, January 15th of this year marked the late Dr. King’s 80th birthday. That means, had it not been for his senseless assassination, he likely would have been alive to see the day where the American people elected an African-American to the Oval Office. I wonder how he would’ve reacted. Where would the nation be today if he were still alive? How different would the black community be if he were still one its leaders instead of blowhards like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Who knows? Maybe Dr. King himself would have run for President already. Or maybe his untimely death solidified the human rights movement and cemented his legacy in this nation’s history.
Secondly, I wonder how this will affect the way the media portray black people. Errin raised a good point in class that got me thinking about this. Will the media continue to showcase African-Americans as gang-banging, gun-toting, uneducated and poverty-ridden? Or will we start to see black people in the media as more than athletes and gangstas?
The media go a long ways in introducing and enhancing stereotypes. I spent some time in South Korea, as a missionary and later as student, and you won’t find many black people there. Why? Because Koreans are terrified of them. During my time there, I asked several people why they were so frightened of black people. Almost every response had to do with the ways m

For years, the media have downplayed shows or news stories focusing on the positives in the black community while exploiting the negatives because it sells. The result is negative stereotypes that are passed down from generation to generation. Inner-city black kids have been taught that they can make it as an athlete, or they can resort to dealing drugs or gang-banging.
Hopefully this historic presidency will not only squash that absurd thinking, but also the damaging stereotyping the media have taken part in. Black kids need to know that they can be whatever they want to be. In my line of work, I come across many successful black people who aren’t athletes or gangstas. Kids of any race can grow up to be television producers, CEOs and now, President of the United States. Let’s hope the media chronicles some of the more positives out of the black community.
Man that is some serious stuff and for that i feel bad for our brothers that are mistreated because of skin color. I will say Jesse Jackson does not do justice to the cause by making everything a race issue. As you can tell I'm not a huge fan of him. I'm not sure media is ready to change the image of the African American because they still rap and as long as African Americans are portraying themselves in music video's mudering, pimping, and selling drugs then so will the media. I guess I would say it's time for African Americans to stand and make that change by rejecting the option to portray the gangster. They need to rise and be heard if they want that image lost and boycott or strike against those roles as a people.
ReplyDeleteThat's true.. I didn't mean to place all the blame on the media. Certainly certain African-Americans in the media, like rap stars and certain comedians do more to hurt the cause as well by portraying these stereotypes.